Sunday, September 27, 2009

Welcome to my total Kayos

Sorry I promised a tutorial on the pot holder from the sewing class. As you can see its not done yet. Sorry I promise it is coming..... Life has just caught up with me. I Am working on  getting caught up. 
I spent last week going to a class with my hubby and  where it was long it was very imformative. Hopefully this week I will get back on top of things. 

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sewing class

Quick up date on this post I have not posted the product from sewing class due to the fact I didnt get to go,  I stayed home with a sick daughter. But I have the pattern for what they did and I am hoping this week to make a tutorial for it, I thinks its really cute.
Sept. 8th
I'm kinda excited. I am going to a sewing class, I dont really think you learn much other than new pattern ideas from what I understand but it sound like a nice way to meet other ladies. We are supposed to be making a pot holder. All I know it that I need 5  8 or 9 inch squares. I am curious to see that were doing. I'll post it when I'm done. I hope its cute.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Clean Machine

I thought  I'd take a few minutes to sew today, went into get my sewing machine out of the bedroom where I'd stored it in a hurry the other day to discover it had been barfed on! YUCK!!!!
Narrowing down the guilty party is easy now with only one cat. But why!! She didn't get the top or the sewing arm but the part just under neither that's hard to clean!  Silly cat. So now I have a nice clean sewing machine. Why do cats love sewing so....

This is the quilty party!!!! 
Miss Molly!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Help me please!

I have come across a problem with blogging it anyone could help  Please do.
I cant seem do the button thing where you get the button from another blog. I would like to learn.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pretty light now!

This is our three dollar light fixture! It was Gold, and so ugly it stood out like a sore thumb. I spotted one similar in Lowe's and decided it looked good. One thing led to another and I bought Spray paint and this is what we get! So much better it just fits into the room now without making itself the center of attention.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Kitchen face lift is done!

These are the colors I painted, however they refuse to photographic well.  this corner is the best I can get. The lighter color is Apple Cider and the darker color is Antiquarian Brass. They make for a nice warm feeling kitchen without being bright or to yellowy. 
The wall and kitchen are not as yellow as this photo.  This photo is the new light we hung, and the new blinds I hung. They were a pain to hang! But I won! They are a wood look alike blinds, they block the light great and look very kitchen like.  Its not a new kitchen but it's definately nice to give the kitchen new life.

Bathroom Valance

I learned how to make the triangles without cutting each and everyone!
  I have also learn that magazine patterns are very confusing in there directions, so don't cut your pattern pieces when you have a headache. I had to go back and cut more of some pieces and not enough of others.  But I am so very happy with how it turned out. I am also very excited about the cutting triangles out of squares. Now I want to try some more things with this technique.