Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry no Photos today, I just want to take a moment to share how thankful I am for what we have and Thank the Lord for always see us through. I certainly pray that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Harvest Pumpkins

Moms pumpkin

I have finished, My pumpkins! After becoming frustrated, with not having a fall center piece for my table and not liking what I'd seen in the stores. I was hit by the idea of pumpkins in three sizes.  I scanned the net, there were many cute ideas out there but none were what I was wanting.  So onto my own devices and off to Joannes! Where 40% off sale always helps a project get started.  
I used my Tupperware lids to get the sizes I wanted and drew out the moon like  shapes, cut pairs of nine different fabrics to form each pumpkin and then drew and cut several stems before finding the shape I liked, I drew out the leaves in a fairly crude shape and sewed them pipe wire into them to give the more realistic look and I could not resist making the little piece of vine. 
I had so much fun making these they actually sew up really fast. I was blown away at how much stuffing it took to stuff them. The one thing I learned is the little one is going to be the the only one I do in that size it was a BRAT to make.  Not worth the effort for the tiny size.  
My original plan was three for my table, yes you count four in the photo. My mom fell in love with the pumpkins So I made her one too.  

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's a Monday.

I have a new project to share, however I was less then happy with the pictures so I will retry to get a better Photo to share.  Meantime, I have a show-n-tell of new fabric and the cool free bag that came  with it.